
Grand Lake, Co and Rocky Mountain National Park

August 30, 2017

I knew Colorado would be beautiful, I had been here before. I knew there would be loads to do. Full of the outdoors, full of adventure and nature and beauty. But I had no idea how truly amazing and awe inspiring it would be! We came to Colorado nearly three weeks ago and have shared a house with my sister Kerry, her husband Neil and their two girls Megan and Fiona. The boys got to spend time with their cousins and our dog Max got to spend time with his fur-cousins, my sister’s dogs. I got time with my sister and also got to visit with some friends and colleagues who live in Colorado. Kyle’s brother Kerry (yes, we know, it’s quite the coincidence) and his family came up for a visit as well. They have recently relocated back to Colorado from Florida. In fact so many friends and family live in Colorado, that I commented that it seems like fate is trying to tell us something! We all agreed that it is so beautiful we could really see ourselves living here, at least in the summer months!

We all got to spend time in nature. Breathing it in, touching and tasting it. Sometimes it took our breathe away and sometimes we scoffed at it – like after seeing the 71st or so elk along the side of the road.

I enjoyed the wildlife the best, and the many opportunities to explore learning with the kids. It’s going to be a really interesting journey, teaching them along the way. I think I might enjoy it more than they do. I have much to learn too! We learned about Moose and Elk and how bears prepare for hibernation. We learned about riparian ecosystems and how settlers homesteaded the area around the turn of the century.  They went from making a living as saloon keepers to running a trout fishing and dude ranch once prohibition set in. So much to learn. So much variety of information out there. I think most of the time we just don’t pay attention. Maybe that’s why we should have kids, to help us pay attention!

I am feeling a bit too philosophical this evening, maybe it’s the information overload. Tomorrow we head into Boulder for one night so we can get some additional travel vaccinations on Friday. Kyle and I are due for a booster and I was waffling about getting the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine as it’s very pricey and debatable if the risk is high but decided it would weigh on me if we didn’t. The kids were decidedly unhappy about the idea of more jabs!

Then we drive to Little America, Wyoming near the Utah border for the weekend where we will visit Flaming Gorge. Will be posting more photos from Grand Lake and RMNP in the next couple days!


  1. Comment by Karen

    Karen September 4, 2017 at 10:55 am

    Just remember parts of Colorado are a hundred plus degrees in summer before you move. Lol….sounds like you guys are having a great time

  2. Comment by Karolyn

    Karolyn September 11, 2017 at 3:46 pm

    I’m so happy you are enjoying your trip. I can’t wait to hear more!

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