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In Colorado we went on many hikes and nature walks and just outside our lake house we saw a moose and it’s baby! And when we were driving to a visitor center we all jumped out of the car to see about 20 elk! Then we continued driving to the alpine visitor center where we […]

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Grand Lake, Co and Rocky Mountain National Park

I knew Colorado would be beautiful, I had been here before. I knew there would be loads to do. Full of the outdoors, full of adventure and nature and beauty. But I had no idea how truly amazing and awe inspiring it would be! We came to Colorado nearly three weeks ago and have shared […]

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We’re Finally on Our Trip!

What are we doing?:  going on an educational global year long trip Where are we going?: first we will travel around America National parks including Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone and Glacier! A dozen or so states + Canada (a tiny bit) Cool places Exclusive activities Then we will go out of the country and the continent! […]

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And so it begins…

Welcome to the Voyager Family blog! We are a dual-nationality family (American and naturalized British) who have a love of travel and exploring the world. So we’ve taken on the ultimate challenge of travel, a round-the-world trip for one year! I have been talking up the trip and the blog to everyone I meet for […]

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