Harstine Island

September 25, 2017

The house on Harstine Island, WA was awesome! We discovered there were Nerf guns in the closet and many many many stuffed animals, I’d say about one-hundred, some were even home made which was cool. The house also had sooooo many rooms: a huge living room, two bathrooms, three bedrooms a hammock and a porch we loved it. The wi-fi was good,which was great because the opposite was true at other places we have gone to. There was a power outage, but it was kind of fun because we played Monopoly.

The house was also near a community center. We went there two times. There was a ping pong table, a pool table and even a park. There were also about ten fivefoot tall book shelves about the width of a couch, all full. There were board games and a pool was also there but it was closed for the season .

But before we ever went to the community center we went to the beach, it was very rocky and had many sand dollars, shells, oysters and clams too! We also launched rafts made out of wooden scraps, planks and sticks and sometimes logs, sand and rocks. We saw some animals at the beach, such as a huge pink starfish that was beached, so we threw it back into the Pacific. We saw a seal sunbathing on a dock, it was cool! We also dammed a stream running from a lake to the ocean. Harstine Island was very cool, I would love to live there!


  1. Comment by Fiona Cox

    Fiona Cox December 7, 2017 at 7:30 am

    Dear liam, aunty Allison, Uncle Kyle, and declan

    I miss you sooooooooo much!!! And with christmas coming up, its all i can do not to send your house presents! Mommy says i cant though, because your renting the house out. i hope you dont find a complete disaster in the when you come back later! I really wish i could go to all these cool places with you! Sigh. I really,really,really,really,really,really,really, REALLY MISS YOU! your trip sounds so great ( expect NO WI-FI!!!!!! part :0!!!!) and i laughed when it said pop 68! I really miss you and cant wait in till you come to our house to pick up max, hes doing fine! I really miss you guys! Comeback soon, bye!

  2. Comment by Allison

    Allison January 10, 2018 at 7:24 pm

    We miss you too Fi! More posts are coming as we get caught up with the blog. It takes a bit more time than we had thought, so even though Liam has been writing a lot, I haven’t been able to keep up with publishing. Hope you can follow his new posts and share some more comments and thoughts with us. Much love to you!

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